Tag Archives: Warner Bros

The Death of Film Stock is Upon Us


Being a native of Rochester, New York I know all there is about Kodak and George Eastman. I grew up in that region and I’ve become really interested in the history of both Kodak and George Eastman himself. I’ve been to The Eastman Theater, to see a screening of Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory, and toured his house. It is a fascinating venture and sure to interest any cinephile.

Recently Christopher Nolan, Quentin Tarantino, Judd Apatow, and J.J. Abrams have campaigned heavily for studios to buy film stock and use it more often than they do. The chairman of Kodak CEO Jeff Clarke announced Wednesday that their company will continue their production of film stock. According to the Wall Street Journal, prominent studios such as Warner Bros. and Walt Disney Studios will purchase a certain amount of film stock each year. This solidifies the use of film stock for certain films. I see it used more so on their smaller projects rather than their blockbuster.

Bob Weinstein, one of the chairman for TWC, stated “It’s a financial commitment, no doubt about it. But I don’t think we could look some of our filmmakers in the eyes if we didn’t do it.” This shows just how committed they are to preserving the magic of movies and their love for the medium.

I’m happy to see that people are still in support for something that has been dying out in past few years. After The Master I think that people will realize the beauty that film contains.

Mad Max: Fury Road Comic Con Trailer

DSC_3888.JPG Mad Max: Fury Road is a curious movie to me. It has been in production for as long as I can remember but only now is getting a release. I love the first two films; Mad Max and The Road Warrior, and I am even more excited for this one. Not really a reboot but more of a continuation of the events of the first three film, only with a new Max. From the footage alone I think that the wait may have been worth it. I know every one was in an uproar over the Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice Trailer that the excitement for this one wasn’t really there but after the trailer I think that this may have been the one to wait for. Shot with only storyboards and not an actual script it seems this will be more of a visual experience than anything else.

This is the fourth film in the Mad Max franchise with Tom Hardy taking on the role of Max Rockatansky, a role made iconic by Mel Gibson in the original films, a hardened ex-cop in a future beset by gas shortages and marauding gangs. The story is said to the take place a short while after Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome, which keeps Mad Max relatively young. This time centering on Max and the “Five Wives,” a group of women Max must protect from the bad guys.

Directed by George Miller. Starring Tom Hardy as “Mad” Max RockatanskyCharlize Theron as Imperator Furiosa, Nicholas Hoult as Nux, and Hugh Keays-Byrne as Immortan Joe. Produced by Village Roadshow Pictures and distributed by Warner Bros.